Monday, October 11, 2010

Israel Study Tour Information Meeting in Boulder

Israel Study Tour 2011(IST) Information Meeting
In Boulder
Wednesday October 27th
6:30-7:30pm at the Boulder JCC
For 11th grade students and parents
Hear from students who attended IST last summer, see their pictures and listen to their favorite stories from the trip.  Find out what’s planned for 2011, travel dates, cost, and more.
If you can’t make the meeting in Boulder feel free to attend the IST meeting in Denver on
Wednesday October 13, 2010
6:30-8pm at B’nai Havurah
Contact Robin Hanssen at
Sara Goldberg | Boulder Youth Activities Coordinator
Colorado Agency for Jewish Education
303-321-3191 x218 (office)
303-921-6952 (cell)
300 S. Dahlia St., #101, Denver, CO 80246

Monday, October 4, 2010

Boulder Hebrew High Fall Classes Begin Wednesday

Classes Begin This Week
Fall semester classes get underway this week.  Attached are the class lists students signed up for on September 1st.  Note changes:  Israel at a Glance is not being offered, 2 new class options: Going Virtual (a look at teens, the internet and how Jewish values tie together) and Jewish Improv (explore and act out Jewish text, stories, history and more).  Students can sign up for these on Wed.
Check out pictures from our Sukkot Café Night on Facebook - Go to the Boulder Hebrew High Facebook Page
Become a friend of Boulder Hebrew High Today
Register Today - 8th & 9th Grade Retreat:
A Teen Shabbat Experience
Celebrate Shabbat with your friends in Allenspark (8th & 9th graders only) October 22-24th. Don’t miss this amazing weekend of fun, laughter, learning, outdoor adventures and friendship. Transportation provided from the Boulder JCC.  Return completed forms to Sara Goldberg no later than Wednesday October 13th
This retreat is sponsored by 18 Pomegranates. 
Boulder County Crop Walk 2010
Boulder Hebrew High students are encouraged to participate in Crop Walk 2010.  Students in Confirmation and Tikkun Olam classes are required to attend.  Join together as a community to fight hunger in Boulder County and around the world by walking in the 25th Boulder County CROP Walk on October 17th.  Registration: 1:15pm, Walk: 2:00pm St. Andrew Presbyterian Church/Congregation Har HaShem 3700 Baseline Road.  Walker packets are available online at www.bouldercropwalk.orgPackets will also be available at Hebrew High.  Let’s walk together to fight hunger. 
Registration forms will be available Wed. night at the Boulder JCC.  If you haven’t completed these forms yet, please do so this week.  You can also register online at  or download and complete the attached registration forms and return to Sara on Sept.15th; fax to 303-321-5436 or scan and email to
Tell Your Friends!  All Jewish Teens, in grades 8-12 are WELCOME!
Sara Goldberg | Boulder Youth Activities Coordinator
Colorado Agency for Jewish Education
303-321-3191 x218 (office)
303-921-6952 (cell)
300 S. Dahlia St., #101, Denver, CO 80246

Boulder Hebrew High Calendar